Links of gaming interest.

Litko game accessories has some interesting markers to use.
Litko Game Accessories

Tired of buying an expensive board game and finding it to be a complete dud? This site offers a review of the product with lots of photos of the contents.
Boardgame Geeks

Looking for WW1 posters for your miniature buildings? Try this site.
Period posters

General Quarters is a great ruleset for naval gaming. This site has lots of accessories to use for naval gaming with these rules.
General Quarters Accessories

A project I'm working on. Most of the figures are painted. Most of the terrain and buildings are done. Just have to write up the rules.

An excellent site dedicated to WW2 ballistics.

If terrain is too expensive to buy or you don't have the time to make it try these.

A site dedicated to Canadian WW2 armour.